"New-Method" No. 36

We introduce the email bulletin "New-Method" with our works and guest contributions.  This issue No. 36 features Seira Ito, an enrollee of "'Method' and 'New-Method'" lecture by Hideki Nakazawa held at Rikkyo University in the first semester of 2013 academic year.


Considering New-Method from Result
Seira Ito (a participant of "'Method' and 'New-Method'" lecture held by Hideki Nakazawa at Rikkyo univ.)

New-Method do not work for the result.

The word "result" reminds me of a battle in a Japanese comic series "JOJO's Bizzare Adventure" in its fifth chapter "VENTO AUREO - Golden Wind." In the scene, Diavolo, the boss of an Italian mafia, uses his dreadful Stand [the term for anthropomorphized supernatural power] called King Crimson in attack upon a character Bucharati, proudly declaring;

This world only remembers the results!
(Hirohiko Araki, "JOJO's Bizzare Adventure", Shueisha, 1998, vol.56, pp.58)

King Crimson is able to erase a few seconds and leave its results alone.  It is only Diavolo who can [recognize and] control what happens during the negated time.  The main character Giorno Giovana uses a totally opposite ability, which managed to defeat this apparently matchless ability of King Crimson.  Awaken by mystic power of "the arrowhead" [the symbolic artifact that endows people with supernatural ability], his Stand called Gold Experience evolved to "Requiem," acquiring its own will and saying;

(Ibid, 1999, vol.63, pp.102)

The ability of Requiem does not let "death" come true.  Diavolo faces his death over and over again, but never ends up with true death given forever.  While the ability of King Crimson leaves the result alone, Gold Experience "Requiem" does not permit the result to come into effect, of which the latter won.

New-Method do not give results.  As if Gold Experience "Requiem" gave infinite death to Diavolo, New-Method give infinite Rock-Paper-Scissors to audience.  With no victory given there, Rock-Paper-Scissors just goes on.  Stuck in infinity just like Diavolo, people have nothing other than just watching them while wishing the game will eventually reach the truth.

[Web Works of the New-Methodicists]

- Takahiro Hirama

Title Conveys Something


No description.

- Shogo Baba

A Website With Three Links No. 4 - No. 7


"A Website With Three Links" series is cubic graphs.  Cubic graphs are often undirected Hamiltonian paths in terms of mathematics.  In these works, websites are made of graphs with 10 or more vertexes.  No.4 is a website with 10 pages, No.5 with 12, No.6 with 14, and No.7 with 16.

- Masaru Kaido

URL at which a work is to be presented


Web works of New-Methodicists are posted on the bulletin "New-Method" every issue.  A web works consists of a title and a web page to present the work.  This work uses a URL itself to be a work under the title "URL at which a work is to be presented." In usual situation, the URL defined as a work should be linked to a webpage that presents a work.  However, this work goes incoherent with the title "URL at which a work is to be presented" if a work appears on a webpage that is a work in itself, which would have resulted in "URL at which a work is presented."  Hence, this work is sublated there.


- "New-Method at GaietyTheater"  http://7x7whitebell.net/new-method/kohaku_e.html

- "New-Method" official webpage has been updated.  http://7x7whitebell.net/new-method/

- Takahiro Hirama has updated his website.  http://qwertyupoiu.archive661.com/

- Shogo Baba has updated his website.  http://7x7whitebell.net/

- Masaru Kaido has updated his website.  http://masarukaido.com/

- If you would like to receive the email bulletin "New-Method," please let us know.

- This bulletin is free to redistribute while all rights are reserved.

- This bulletin will sometimes be sort into the spam folder.  Please be reminded.

[Editor's Note]

Takahiro Hirama organized an event "New Machine" on 25th January.  Masaru Kaido, Shogo Baba, Takahiro Hirama, and biki had solo performance there.
info http://togetter.com/li/621618 (Japanese only)
Shogo Baba participated in "Ensemble for Experimental Music and Theater Concert vol.4" on 26th January.
info http://eemt.net/index_en.html
See you again in the next issue.  (M)


Takahiro Hirama @qwertyu1357

Shogo Baba @shogobaba

Masaru Kaido @kaido1900

Bulletin "New-Method" No. 36 English Version

Published on Feb. 4, 2014